As a member of an authorized user community, I would like as seamless access as possible to subscribed resources, from any device, from any location from any starting point on the web so that I can access these resources as quickly and as easily as possible
As a member of an authorized user community, I would like to have a consistent user experience, whichever provider of subscribed resources I am visiting, and from any starting on the web so that I know what to do to gain access to subscribed resources
As a member of an authorized user community, I would like any personal data I have provided to be stored / managed in a secure way, so that it is protected from breach
As a provider of subscribed resources, I would like to understand the relationship between the end user and the subscribing institution so that I can provide differentiated access and provide COUNTER 4 usage statistics
As a provider of subscribed resources, I would like to understand the identity of the individual end user so that I can provide personalised services
As a provider of subscribed resources, I would like to ensure that the personal data provided to me by my users is stored and managed in a way which is protected from breach – and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR)
As a provider of subscribed resources, I would like to be able limit the ability of malicious actors (both human and non-human) to access and download my content so that I can protect my content from piracy
As a text and data miner, I would like to be able to bulk download subscribed resources without triggering providers’ abuse monitoring systems so that I can conduct my test and data mining with no problems and without inconveniencing others
As a purchaser of subscribed resources, I would like to minimise the administrative burden of providing access to my authorised user community so that I can spend my time on other work
As a purchaser of subscribed resources, I would like as seamless access as possible to the subscribed resources for my authorised user community so that I can maximise the use of the resources purchased for my community
As a purchaser of subscribed resources, I would like protect the privacy of my authorised user community when accessing subscribed resources so that I can meet my commitments to my community
As a purchaser of subscribed resources, I would like to comply with the terms of the subscription agreements I have made so that I do not contravene any legal agreements
As a purchaser of subscribed resources, I would like to know who is using the subscribed resources so that I can understand the value derived from my purchases and manage any illegitimate access
As a technology-focussed user, I would like to manage the access to subscribed content for my institution, enabling access to those that are entitled to access, whilst preventing access from illicit sources
As a technology-focussed user, I would like to ensure that our infrastructure and systems are protected from unauthorised access / damage through access to subscribed content